/Social responsibility policy
Social responsibility policy2024-06-13T13:13:10+00:00


ENDOterapia Vegetal® was founded in 2004 as a pioneering company publicising the technique of endotherapy in our country. We have invested a lot of effort, from our inception to the present day, to consolidate plant endotherapy as a compulsory treatment system for multiple situations. We have established ourselves as a leading company in the sector, with representation in many provinces in Spain as well as in countries in Europe, Asia, South America, Central America and the United States.

ENDOterapia Vegetal® guarantees strict compliance with current legislation, regulatory requirements and other contracted requirements. In addition, voluntarily, it undertakes to integrate environmental, social, ethical, good governance, trust and transparency aspects into its strategy, policies and procedures, always taking responsibility for the consequences of its actions and complying with all the requirements of the SA8000 standard.

This policy applies to all business activities of ENDOterapia Vegetal® and is defined by the following commitments:

  • Child labour: the organisation will never use or support child labour, under the age of 16.
  • Forced labour: the organisation prohibits forced labour in all its forms.
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining: the organisation promotes and respects the rights of its workers and freedom of association.
  • Discrimination, diversity and inclusion: real equal opportunities in hiring, remuneration, training and promotion are guaranteed, rejecting any discrimination in the professional field for any reason. Furthermore, the dignity and respect of its professionals are ensured in all areas of the company.
  • Health and Safety: the prevention of occupational risks is a key factor for the organisation which guarantees the evaluation, prevention and control of risks, taking the necessary measures in all our activities.
  • Remuneration policy: the company is committed to complying with current legislation on remuneration, promoting fair and equitable conditions for everybody who works in the organisation.
  • Work-life balance: the company promotes measures that promote a work-life balance through flexible mechanisms, such as maternity and paternity leave, flexible working hours, etc.
  • Monitoring and improvement: as part of its commitment to continuous improvement, the organisation reviews, evaluates and verifies all its processes including its supply chain.

This Policy, which coexists with other applicable internal policies, is kept up to date through periodic reviews, coinciding with system reviews by management, to account for changes in environmental conditions and available information. These policies are communicated and made available to all interested parties for their understanding and consultation at www.endoterapiavegetal.com

You can send us any comments, recommendations or complaints regarding social responsibility via email: info@endoterapiavegetal.com. We guarantee that they will be handled confidentially, impartially and without retaliation.

Llorenç Baronat

Links of interest regarding certifications:
Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) http://www.saasaccreditation.org/
Social Accountability International (SAI) http://www.sa-intl.org/