/Quality, environment and occupational health and safety policy
Quality, environment and occupational health and safety policy2025-01-31T14:07:31+00:00


ENDOterapia Vegetal® was founded in 2004 as a pioneering company publicising the technique of endotherapy in our country. We have invested a lot of effort, from our inception to the present day, to consolidate plant endotherapy as a compulsory treatment system for multiple situations. We have established ourselves as a leading company in the sector, with representation in many provinces in Spain as well as in countries in Europe, Asia, South America, Central America and the United States.

The activities that ENDOterapia Vegetal® considers compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 are:

  • The application of phytosanitary treatments and/or nutritional complexes by direct injection into the vascular system of trees and palm trees.
  • The design, marketing and technical service of equipment for the application of injection treatments for trees and palm trees.
  • Gardening work
  • Marketing of fertilisers, phytosanitary products, biocides and other means of phytosanitary defence.

Our Policy is aimed at public entities, private companies and individuals whose work involves maintaining the well-being of trees, taking in everything from agriculture to ornamentation. Our policy includes the following guidelines:

  • A Commitment to meet the demands, requirements and expectations of our customers, as well as legal and regulatory requirements.
  • To preserve the health of trees in an effective and environmentally friendly way.
  • To be the international standard bearer in the management of different phytopathological problems, thanks to the use of new technologies.
  • To seek to improve our techniques with more effective treatments for pests and diseases.
  • To train people to use new gardening techniques.
  • A commitment to environmental protection, including pollution prevention and the sustainable use of resources.
  • A commitment to the continuous improvement of the company’s management system.
  • Responsibility, participation and collaboration of all staff, starting with the management.
  • A commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent workplace-related injuries and damage to health.
  • To encourage employee consultation and participation.
  • To take appropriate measures to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to occupational health and safety.

Management makes this policy accessible and available to all its customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders.

The Policy is kept up to date through periodic reviews, coinciding with reviews of the system by management, taking into account changes in environmental conditions and available information. The management provides and will provide all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals set out on a scheduled and periodic basis.
