Endoterapia Vegetal

Leaf blotch miner moth

    Leaf blotch miner moth2019-02-28T13:09:00+00:00

    Project Description

    Lepidopteran insect biologically very similar to the Cameraria.

    It causes the same damage as the Cameraria; the caterpillars feed on the upper parenchyma of the leaves, forming characteristic galleries or mines (Fig. a and Fig. b). Severe attacks produce a general wilt of the leaf and premature fall.

    Carry out a treatment with plant endotherapy (ENDOterapia Vegetal®) in a preventive way to avoid the onset of problems; the treatment will be carried out when the first adults appear after coming out of winter diapause.

    A curative treatment can also be carried out. However, damage caused will disappear at a slower pace.

    Project Details

    Common name:
    Scientific name:
    Phyllonorycter millierella.
    Affected plants:
    Celtis australis and Celtis caucasica.

    Printable version

    ENDOterapia Vegetal
    C/ Ripollès, 23 - Pol. Ind. el Pla CP. 17486 - Castelló d'Empúries Girona - Spain
    Tel.: +34 972 158 889 Fax: +34 972 158 890

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