Endoterapia Vegetal

Albizia psyllid

Albizia psyllid2019-02-28T13:49:25+00:00

Project Description

Sap-sucking hemiptera insect, native to East Asia.

Adults measure from 1.8 to 2.3 mm, the female being larger than the male; they are a dull green colour.

The nymphs go through five instars; in the last one, they are greeny-yellow on the head and brown at the end of the abdomen. They also present wing folds. In the other instars, they are creamy-yellow with reddish eyes.

The eggs are ovoid in shape, about 0.3  mm long, orangy-yellow in colour. They are placed on the nerves of leaves or on the rims of pods.

Hibernation takes place in the adult stage; the first infestations occur at the beginning of the growth cycle of the tree, on the most tender shoots. The different generations overlap each other, and all the instars of the insect can be found simultaneously on the same host.

The causes of damage to the tree are both nymphs and adults; they can colonise leaves, young shoots, flowers and pods, causing partial or total desiccation. Like other species of psylla, they excrete a sticky substance (honeydew) that can be a nuisance in the urban environment (Fig. c). Apart from honeydew, the nymphs release cotton-like silk, increasing the aesthetic damage to the tree (Fig. d).

Preventive treatment with plant endotherapy (ENDOterapia Vegetal®) to avoid the occurrence of problems. Preventive treatment is generally recommended in late spring, when the first infestations are detected.

Project Details

Common name:
Scientific name:
Acizzia jamatonica.
Affected plants:
Different species of Albizia, although in our country the most common is Albizia julibrissin (Persian silk tree, Albizia, Silk tree).

Printable version

ENDOterapia Vegetal
C/ Ripollès, 23 - Pol. Ind. el Pla CP. 17486 - Castelló d'Empúries Girona - Spain
Tel.: +34 972 158 889 Fax: +34 972 158 890